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Game News
Game Details
Player Details
Tactical Ops 3.4
Mit Tactical Ops: Assault on Terror betreten Sie die aufregende und gefährliche Welt der Terroristenabwehr.
0 Jahre, 0 Tage, 1 Stunde, 36 Minuten
Relations last 31 days
The player Fadi_Opa played 0 hours on any server last 31 days.The average ratio was 0 frags and 0 deaths per day.
Lasttime he played Tactical Ops Version TO340 on a server which is called iaR 3.4 Community Server // 600 MAPS // 300 PARTYSOUNDS.
He has earned no awards.
Score King
Score King (Bronze)
This Player had reached 300 Scorepoints in one Map.
Score King (Silber)
This Player had reached 400 Scorepoints in one Map.
Score King (Gold)
This Player had reached 500 Scorepoints in one Map.
Score King (Platin)
This Player had reached 600 or more Scorepoints in one Map.
Public Ruler
Public Ruler (Bronze)
This Player plays over 200 Maps in 1 Month.
Public Ruler (Silber)
This Player plays over 250 Maps in 1 Month.
Public Ruler (Gold)
This Player plays over 300 Maps in 1 Month.
Perfekt Game
Perfekt Game (Bronze)
This Player had 10 or More Frags and 0 Deaths in one Map.
Perfekt Game (Silber)
This Player had 20 or More Frags and 0 Deaths in one Map.
Perfekt Game (Gold)
This Player had 30 or More Frags and 0 Deaths in one Map.
Looser of the Map
Looser of the Map (Bronze)
This Player had reched 0 Frags and 10 or more Deaths in one Map.
Looser of the Map (Silber)
This Player had reched 0 Frags and 20 or more Deaths in one Map.
Looser of the Map (Gold)
This Player had reched 0 Frags and 30 or more Deaths in one Map.
Frag Player
Frag Player (Bronze)
This Player had negativ Stats more than 10 in one Map.
Frag Player (Silber)
This Player had negativ Stats more than 20 in one Map.
Frag Player (Gold)
This Player had negativ Stats more than 30 in one Map.